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From Beginning to Advanced: Blogs on Industry and Manufacturing

Greetings! My name is Adam. I work in the advertising industry as a brand developer. I also teach surfing lessons and spend a lot of time volunteering with an animal hospital. When I was on a gap year, I took a job in a pen factory. Through that experience, I learned a great deal about how pens were made, but I also learned a lot about industrial work and manufacturing in general. In this blog, I plan to write about all aspects of these topics, and I hope that this information is interesting and informative to you. Please, grab a tea and start looking around. If you like my blogs, share them. Thanks.



From Beginning to Advanced: Blogs on Industry and Manufacturing

Industrial Silica Dust Extraction Systems: A Guide

by Daniel Wilson

Exposure to silica dust is a common hazard in many industrial workplaces. Prolonged inhalation of silica dust can lead to severe health problems. Therefore, controlling silica dust exposure is crucial to ensure a safe working environment. This blog post takes a look at industrial silica dust extraction systems, their importance, key components and factors to consider when selecting an extraction system.

Importance of Silica Dust Extraction

Health Hazards 

Inhalation of silica dust can lead to respiratory diseases, such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and silicosis. These diseases can have severe implications on the health of workers and may even be fatal.

Legal Requirements 

There are strict legal requirements and standards for controlling exposure to respirable crystalline silica. Industries are required to implement effective dust control measures and ensure that exposure levels are below the permissible limits.


High levels of dust in the workplace can also affect visibility and the efficiency of machinery. Effective dust extraction systems help maintain a clean and productive work environment.

Key Components of Silica Dust Extraction Systems

Capture Hood

The capture hood is designed to capture dust at the source of generation. It is placed close to the dust-generating equipment or machinery.

Ducting System

The ducting system transports the captured dust from the capture hood to the dust collector. It should be designed to minimise air resistance and prevent dust accumulation.

Dust Collector

The dust collector separates the dust particles from the air stream. There are various types of dust collectors, such as cyclone separators, fabric filter baghouses and cartridge collectors.

Exhaust Fan

The exhaust fan creates the necessary airflow to capture and transport the dust through the ducting system to the dust collector.

Selecting the Right Extraction System

Assess the Dust Generation Rate

The rate at which dust is generated will determine the size and capacity of the extraction system required. A thorough assessment of the dust generation rate is essential for selecting an appropriate system.

Consider the Particle Size

The size of the dust particles will influence the type of dust collector required. For example, cyclone separators are suitable for larger particles, whereas fabric filter baghouses are more effective for finer particles.

Evaluate the Available Space

The available space in the workplace will influence the design and configuration of the dust extraction system. It is important to select a system that fits the available space while ensuring effective dust extraction.


Effective silica dust extraction is crucial for maintaining a safe and productive work environment. Understanding the key components of a dust extraction system and the factors to consider when selecting a system is essential for effective dust control.

Contact a local company to learn more, like Austedan Fabrication.
